Tuesday, June 5, 2012


I hope everyone is enjoying their summer or is about to start enjoying their summer. I know some of you are still in school. I'm out but in district classes until tomorrow.
I am so excited about the book I am reading. It's The CAFE Book by Gail Boushey and Joan Moser (The Sisters.)
If you've heard of Daily 5 then you've probably heard about the CAFE. I started Daily 5 in my class this year and LOVED it. So my dear friend Fredia over at Frogs in First suggested I read this book. THANK YOU FREDIA! I'm almost done with it and I LOVE it. It's a short book and a very quick, easy read. I found out Lory over on Lory's Page is having a Summer Book Club that anyone can join up and read the Daily 5 book and Cafe book then read and talk about it with other teachers. You might want to check this out!
So you're saying "what IS CAFE"? because that's what was going through my mind when I first heard of it. Here is a short explanation. CAFE is an acronym for Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, and Expand vocabulary. You may have seen something like it floating around called FACE. They just changed the letters around. Here's a quote from the book's blurb: "CAFE includes goal-setting with students, posting of goals on a whole-class board, developing small-group instruction based on clusters of students with similar goals, and focusing whole-class instruction on emerging student needs. It provides a structure for conferring with students, a language for talking about reading development, and a system for tracking growth and fostering student independence." The CAFE system is based on research of the habits of proficient readers and is aligned with the new common core. One thing I LOVE is there are 37 strategies with lessons to teach each one. I also love the CAFE board you put up in your classroom. It's a huge visual reminder to kids about what smart readers are doing. I love the system they set up to conference with students and it only takes 5 minutes. It also has a great, easy tracking system.
I've got lots of questions and wonder what CAFE looks like in first grade. (because everything looks different in 1st) If anyone out there is doing CAFE in first grade I'd LOVE to hear from you!!
Well I'm off to my district class.
I hope everyone has a terrific day!


Mrs. Anderson said...

I read CAFE last summer and tried it out this year in my classroom. I just LOVE it!!! I would highly recommend joined the Sisters website where you watch hundreds of videos of teachers using CAFE & the Daily Five. There's also lots of other resources as well. I am a visual learner, so I like to see what they are talking about. There is a fee to have access to everything, but it is well worth it.

Tammy said...

I've been doing Daily 5 for several years. I haven't read CAFE but it's on my list. I'm looking forward to it!
❀ Tammy
Forever in First

Barbara L said...

It's great having a new resource book you're excited about! I'm waiting for an "old but new for me" set of writing books by Lucy Calkins!

Grade ONEderful
Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

Mel D said...

I am your newest follower! Stop by my blog, we are doing a Daily 5 book study too!
Mel D
Seusstastic Classroom Inspirations

Allison @ Room Mom 101 said...

Hey Sheree! I wanted to stop by and let you know that I featured your math stations poster idea on my blog along with a link to all your fabulous math games and suggestions. Thanks so much for sharing!

jack said...

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer or is about to start enjoying their summer.

Classroom Ponderings said...

Hi Sheree,
I started using CAFE and Daily 5 in my class this year, and we all love it. I have even created a corner of our room that we call the "CAFE" and this is where we do our "teacher reading". The great thing I love about the sisters book is that a lot of it is an affirmation of what I and others have been doing for a long time. Go the Boushey sisters! If you are interested pop over to my blog to check out my students during our Daily 5 sessions.
Mrs Poultney's Ponderings