This is my NEW LOVE- My Smart board. I don't know how I taught without it. I'm still finding cool new ways to use it. I had to write a grant to get it but it was soooo worth it!!!
I also couldn't teach without my 'Elmo' document camera. And of course, neither would work without my projector.
Our district bought us some Kindles last year and I'm finding cool apps and ways to use them more. My kiddos have even taught me a thing or two.
Of course, I couldn't teach without my computer and I LOVE my iPearl hard shell case. It helps protect my MacBook Pro.

I LOVE my label maker! I use it for tons of things cause I'm a little OCD when it comes to organizing and I like things neatly labeled.

My second year of teaching, I bought my very own paper cutter with my own money. I CAN'T teach without it. I use it all the time. I even bought one for home so I can use it for school and church stuff.

P.S. Don't forget to follow me on Facebook!

I LOVE my label maker! I use it for tons of things cause I'm a little OCD when it comes to organizing and I like things neatly labeled.
My second year of teaching, I bought my very own paper cutter with my own money. I CAN'T teach without it. I use it all the time. I even bought one for home so I can use it for school and church stuff.
Last by certainly not least, is my KIVA! (aka benches) My hubby made it for me about 10 years ago. There is even storage in the back. It's been re-carpeted and painted twice. If I had to pick only one thing that I CAN'T teach without it would be my KIVA. It's our gathering place, it's where I do over 80% of my teaching. It's more comfortable for my kiddos to sit for a longer period of time. It's easier for them to see because of the two levels. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!
Well, there you have it, some of the Things I CAN'T Teach Without. What things do you need to teach? I'd LOVE to hear your feedback.
P.S. Don't forget to follow me on Facebook!