I LOVE these:
If you've read my blog you know I've posted about these before. But I could not teach without them. They are 'Do-A-Dot' paints. We use them for graphing, making ten frames, and number sense. My own grandkids love to make pictures with them too.
These are the book bags I use from Really Good Stuff. They have a medium and a large size. I like the large. My kiddos store all their 'just-right' books in these inside their desks and take them to Daily 5 with them. I've had other brands but these are made really good and last much longer than just one year.
I got my ABC magnetic letters several years ago and could not teach without them. They are made by Scholastic and are very durable. We use them for all kinds of making word activities.
10-Sided Dice are a must in my room. I use them for tons of games. My firsties always miss place a few so I add 5 or 6 each year.
Last year I bought Vowel Tubs from Lakeshore. They were so great to teach/review vowels. My kids loved them. They are a bit pricey at $69. But you could easily make your own. I think there are blend and digraph ones too. I'll have to check them out.
I bought my laminator last summer. I don't know how I taught all these years without it. I L.O.V.E it!!!
Love stamps! I let my kiddos use these after we've checked our papers.
But my favorite stamp is my 'name' stamp. I learned about this little goody my first year teaching. I went and had one made with my first and last name. It makes it so easy to stamp my name in ALL those new books I buy. It helps me keep track of what is my personal stuff and what's the schools. This is a picture of one from Amazon.com. You can customize it up to 3 lines. Just click on the picture for the link.
I love finding new school supplies. I'd love to hear about what you just CAN'T teach without. Leave me a comment and check back tomorrow for part 2.

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