Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Best Job in the World

I've got to tell you, I LOVE being a teacher. I LOVE being a wife and mother. But I think the very best job in the world is being a GRANDMA!! I confuse this post is not about school. Sorry.
My son and daughter-in-law just had a new baby yesterday. And I'm loving it!
Here is our newest addition to the Peterson family. Meet Owen Jeffrey Peterson.
He weighed in at 6 lbs 4 oz. He's a tiny one compared to our last grandchild that was over 10 lbs.
I've spent the last 2 days tending his big bro 24/7.
This is Keagan, the #1 Big Bro.
He's not so sure of little Owen yet but he'll learn fast.
It's been fun entertaining a 2 year old.
We've done everything I can think of.
He loves painting with water especially the Gnome. Love the tongue and his concentration. Notice the stickers on his shirt. He LOVES stickers!
 Balloons were a big hit until they POPPED!
 Old Bill, the rocking horse, was one of his dad's favorite.
 He likes my piano and playing his tunes!
But racing the trucks down the table and crashing them into the blocks has to be his favorite.
I'm feeling very blessed. We now have 10 grandchildren, 5 boys and 5 girls!

Oh just a reminder- I'm having a SALE tomorrow.


Mrs. Nunley said...

Congratulations! Such cuties!

First Grade Magic

Catherine N. said...

Congratulations, Sheree! It looks like you're a fun grandma. I've already started saving favorite toys for when I'm a grandma, and my kids are only 16 and 11! Ten grandkids...what a blessing!

First Grade Top Dogs

Wolfelicious said...

Congrats! You will be a great grandmother.

Mrs. Anderson said...

Congratulations!!! I can't wait to be a grandma, but I think it's going to be a while. Enjoy!!
Connie Anderson:)

Tammy said...

Congratulations on your newest little joy. :)
❀ Tammy
Forever in First

Teaching Little Miracles said...

Congratulations! They are both adorable!

Teaching Little Miracles

Barbara L said...

Congrats on the new baby!
Our 9 month old grandson is visiting this weekend and I love it, too!

Grade ONEderful
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