Friday, July 5, 2013

Number Sense

If you teach a primary grade then you know how important number sense is. The main focus in the new common core for first grade IS number sense. Number sense generally doesn't get developed deeply enough in the primary grade because the focus of the teaching is often on facts and skills. That's probably why the change in the core.

I found an amazing book about it.
Number Sense Routines by Jessica Shumway
If you click on the picture, it will link you to for more information.

"This book is about tapping into every child's innate sense of number, providing daily experiences to develop and nourish number sense, and facilitating students' application of number sense in a variety of situations and context."
Have you ever tried to explain to a parent what number sense is? Shumway says "number sense is very complex and there are many layers to it. It is rooted within all strands of mathematics. Number sense facilitates problem solving, reasoning, and discussing mathematical ideas." She then 'unpacks' the term number sense for you which includes subitizing, magnitude, counting, on-to-one correspondence, cardinality, hierarchical inclusion, part/whole relationships, compensation, and unitizing.

Wow! Those are some big words with big meanings. If we are not sure what they are and we are teaching first grade, we need to do a little homework and get with the program. I know I need to and I'm spending my summer studying and trying figuring this all out.

What's great about this book is Shumway gives you valuable information about number sense. Then she goes on to give you the tools to plan effective strategies to facilitate numerical literacy with your students. It's for grade K-3 which helps you see where your students are coming from and where they are going. The routines are warm-ups- quick 5-10 minute experiences at the beginning of your math class. Shumways says, "the 'daily-ness'- the everyday interactions-with numbers, amounts, patterns, and relationships will build your students' number sense."

Some of the specific routines detailed in the book are: Quick Images, Ten-Frames, Rekenrek, Count Around the Circle, Choral Counting, Start and Stop Counting, Organic Number Line, Ten Wand, Ways to Make a Number, Today's Number, Mental Math, Calendar, Collecting Data Over Time, and Counting the Days in School.

Over the years, I've done many of these activities but Shumway goes into depth with thought provoking questions and activities that deepen understanding.

If you want a great book for your summer reading, I'd suggest this one. It would make a great grade level team book study.

Hope I haven't bored ya'll but I get excited when I find a great book.
I'd LOVE to hear your comments.

P.S. I'd LOVE for you to follow me on Facebook HERE.


Tammy said...

I've got this one too. It is a really great resource for sure!
❀ Tammy
Forever in First

First Grade Carousel said...

I just ordered this book today before finding your blog. Now I can't wait for it to arrive!
First Grade Carousel

Mrs. Anderson said...

I am currently reading this as well. I know I will be making some changes in my math program this fall because of what I am learning.
It's an awesome book!
Connie Anderson:)

Barbara L said...

It's a great book! I'm going to look at it again this summer.
Grade ONEderful
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