Wednesday, May 15, 2013

End of the Year Survival

Wow! It's been over a week since my last post. So sorry. I'm incredibly busy like all of you trying to finish the school year. I'm putting my slide show together, memory books, doing grades and report cards, portfolios, practicing dance festival, field day activities, plus trying to babysit teach my little firsties. My hubby says it's crazy being married to a teacher in May and August and I'd have to agree.
I know I have a few new followers (and some of you may have forgot about these or missed them) so I just want to link up to some of my older post from last year showing what I do at the end of the year that is SAVING my sanity right now.
My kiddos LOVE the Behavior BINGO! I got this idea from Camille over on Fun For First. 
You can check out the post HERE.
I'm trying to keep my kiddos busy with educational things so they don't get too hyper. We are doing some great reviewing with these things:
Tic-Tac-Toe (these are on my Teacher Shops)
Scrambled sentences (also on my Teacher Shops)
Wipe Out with calculators
I posted this freebie last year HERE.
And on the last day, I have my kids for about an hour and a half so we will be doing some fun relay games. 
You can check out that FREEBIE post HERE.
I hope we all survive the end of the year!

1 comment:

Barbara L said...

I like your digraph tic tac toe.
Have fun with all the end of year stuff!