Thursday, April 25, 2013

Mystery Capsules

I don't know about you but I'm doing everything I can think of to keep my kiddos engaged. I don't want the spring-fever-school-is-almost-out bug to get them. We only have 23 more days, but who's counting, not me! It's business as usual in my room at least for a few more weeks.
We did a fun little writing activity yesterday that I thought I'd share. I found these capsules at Wal-Mart in the toy department last summer for my grandkids and they thought they were pretty fun. Well, the teacher in me had to think of a way to use them in school.
They are gelatin capsules with a sponge shaped creature inside. When you soak them in warm water, the capsule dissolves and the sponge creature appears. I bought several packages for my class. There are dinosaurs, ocean animals, insects, and forest animals.
I wrote a little note and left the capsules laying in a pile for the kids to find after lunch. 
Here's a copy of the note:
The mystery began and they were excited, engaged, and enthused to see if they could break the spell.
Each firstie chose a capsule and placed it in the warm water and watched to see what pet emerged.
Then they started to write.
Even my kids who don't like to write very much were very engaged and writing. It was a fun activity and everyone got a new pet to take home!
If you'd like to download the letter and writing paper, you can click HERE.

Thanks for stopping by.
Happy Friday tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

What a neat idea! Thanks for sharing!


Shelley said...

This is SO cute! I love it!!

Suzy Q said...

What a fun idea! Love your mysterious letter, too! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Love this idea! I have used these for students to measure. Students can measure the animals each day (length and/or mass) and keep a record of that.

Unknown said...

This is adorable. Thank you so much!

Barbara L said...

What a fabulous idea, Sheree!!! I used those capsules a couple of years ago but your idea is brilliant.
Grade ONEderful
Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

Mrs. Anderson said...

What an awesome idea!! I am going to use this in the next couple of weeks. Thanks so much for sharing!
Connie Anderson