Saturday, January 14, 2012


OK (okay), my OLW (one little word) for today it CRAZY. I just discovered what OLW meant, duh me! Feeling a little dumb. All these acronyms throw me for a loop sometimes but it's kind of fun or do you think I'm being cheesy? Anyhow, my life this past week has been CRAZY and the next two weeks should be just as CRAZY. My BFF (best friend forever) hubby is going in for hip surgery this week. So I need to take off the whole week to be with him. I've been getting sub plans ready and that by far is not my favorite thing to do. Plus, I've had to get all my DRA (development reading assessment) testing done. That's been no easy task with 31 students to test! The week I get back is Parent Teacher Conferences. So all my benchmarks had to be completed this week too. Then I have to get it all compiled and ready to show the parents. Hopefully, I can work on that while taking care of the hubby this week. So it's been a little CRAZY for me lately.

We are working on vowel teams the next few weeks. We do one a week. Here is a little freebie sheet the sub will be doing while I'm MIA (missing in action).
And when I get back we'll be doing this one. Click on the pictures to grab a free download.
I hope you can use these. UNT (until next time) Have a great weekend!


Tammy said...

WAGP and TY!! What a Great Post and Thank YOU!!
P.S. I hope your husband does well and has a SR (speedy recovery)

Kristin said...

Yikes for your BFF. Oh my ouch.
And thanks for sharing the freebies! We are working on vowel teams, too.
A Teeny Tiny Teacher

Shelley said...

Sorry to hear about your hubby, I hope all goes well! I know what you mean about having a sub too - it's way more work than just doing it yourself! Thanks for the fun freebies!

Barbara L said...

Good luck to your BFF with his HS! Hopefully you get some DT (down time) in there, too:)

Grade ONEderful

Lisa Lizak and Beth Wright said...

These are so cute and helpful :) So glad that I found your blog today! Have a super rest of your weekend :)

Lisa :) (new follower)
Made In The Shade In Second Grade

Miss Squirrels said...

Thanks for the vowel teams!
Take care of your BFF AND yourself this week!

Going Nutty!