Thursday, April 10, 2014

Morning Math Review FREEBIE

 I don't think there is anything better than a teacher on spring break!
I'm loving my vacation. This year we decided to take a little trip down south to St. George on the weekend to enjoy a little sunshine. Then I'm just resting and relaxing at home by myself for the entire week while my hubby works. Is this what retirement is like? Humm!

I've finally been able to get some work done on some packets I've had waiting in the wings.
I've been using this with my class for the last 2 years and finally got it posted this morning on my shops.
It's a great little review packet just for the 1st grade math core. There are 39 practice sheets, one for each week of school. It starts out on an easy kindergarten level and then gets more difficult as the year progresses. I use them for a self-start every Monday but they are also great for homework or centers. It's a great way to see if students are getting the concepts your teaching so you could use them for assessing too. You don't need to go in order, you can skip around if you like.
Very EASY prep, just print and use.

If you click HERE you can download this FREE sample.
You can get the same free sample if you download the PREVIEW on TpT.

Well, I'm debating whether to stay in my jammies all day and curl up with a new book. I've already finished 2 since Friday. 
Did I mention how much I'm lovin' spring break!

Hope you have a wonderful spring break whenever yours is!

1 comment:

Barbara L said...

This looks awesome, I'm going to buy it later tonight when I have faster wifi.
Glad to hear how much you're enjoying your break. Mine was three weeks ago:)