Saturday, April 26, 2014

Are you a 'Pooper' 'Pointer' or 'Scooper'?

I LOVE this book!

It is a true story about a dog that does his 'business' on a soccer field and his owner fails to clean up after him. So the teams have to play around a pile of dog poop. Everyone from parents, to referees, to coaches, to players point out the poop and advise all to stay away. But no one takes the initiative to just clean it up. Author Kirk Weisler does a great job explaining about the poopers (problem causers), pointers (tattlers, do-nothings) and scoopers (fixers, problem solvers) in this world.
Which one are you?
I've got to admit that at times I've probably been a little bit of a pooper and a pointer. But this book inspires me to try a little harder to be a scooper!

I was first introduced to this book several years ago at our first faculty meeting of the year. I had a wonderful principal, Jeanne Bates, who read this book to us and then presented each of us with our own book and a little plastic piece of fake doggy poo. She challenged us to put our fake doggy doo-doo on a shelf and let it remind us daily "Which one are you?"

Our school's character trait word for the month is INITIATIVE. That's a pretty hard word to explain to first graders. So I read them this book. They loved it! At first, we had lots of giggles every time I read the word poop but they got over it. We had a great discussion after about taking initiative but it also turned into a discussion on tattling. I loved how they were able to see that the 'pointers' are not taking initiative to help solve the problems but are just adding to it. I've seen a difference in the tattling and lots of kiddos are jumping in to help each other.
 I love it when a book inspires kids!

Click on the book below for a link to

Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by!


ronnie said...

Wow, what an idea. When I read your title I had no clue what "pointer" would be. Glad I read through. It's so thought provoking. Thank you.

Barbara L said...

What a great book! I'm pinning this one so I don't forget:)

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