Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spring Fever!

It is in the 70's here in Utah. It's been a gorgeous weekend! I think I've been bitten. As hard as I tried not to, it got me- the spring fever bug! Now what am I to do?
I don't know if the spring fever bug has bitten your kiddos yet but mine are starting to show signs of it. There's a lot of tattling going on lately and I'm sure it's because of the spring fever bug! So I figured it was time for the Tattling lecture. But this year I found a darling book called 'Tattle Tongue' by Julia Cook.
It's a great book to help kids learn the difference between tattling and telling. There are 4 rules the boy learns. My firsties told me to make a sign of the rules so they could remember them. So I started looking on line and low and behold some talented teacher had already made a sign and it's even a freebie on Teachers Notebook. Just click here on Mrs. Miner's Kindergarten and it will take you right to it. I love to find stuff like this. Thanks Krissy!

I got an email from Melly over on Stapler's Strategies. She's been looking for a jellybean machine like mine.

(From a previous post- check it out HERE) She found one at an etsy shop. If you're interested you can check out what she found HERE.

I finally finished my Suffixes with Lilly packet. It's up on the teacher shops if you want to take a look.
There are 7 fun activities for only $4. Michelle over on the 3AM Teacher has an adorable clipart bundle of Lilly.  You can check out my packet by clicking the words-

And one last thing- if you haven't entered my giveaway, you need to hurry. It ends on Tuesday, March 27th.
I've got to get out and go for a walk or something. Need to enjoy some of this warm spring air!
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you found something for your class.
Have a wonderful week!


Unknown said...

Your Lilly pack looks great!
First Grade Blue SKies

Mrs. Miner said...

Thanks for the shout out! There are some other posters and project freebies that go with Julia Cook's books as well. She really gets children and has helped with the tattling, inter"erupt"ing, and nose picking in my class this year! Glad I found your blog, too!
Mrs.Miner’s Monkey Business

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the wonderful ideas you share!

Barbara L said...

Very cool book! I'm going to have to look for that.

Grade ONEderful