It's about a 5th grade boy who is born with a facial deformity that had prevented him from going to school. This is about his first year in school and how he wants nothing more than to be treated like an ordinary kid. The story is told by a variety of view points from the boy himself to his sister, her boyfriend, classmates, and others. This story teaches about empathy, acceptance, self-respect, friendship, kindness, tolerance, and the list goes on and on.
I found this WONDERFUL site HERE by the author that has some insight into the book and great teaching ideas if you're using this book with your class. If you do a Google search you will find even more lesson plans and ideas. It might be a little hard for first graders to understand but it is defiantly for 4th grade and up. It would be a great read aloud for parents to read to their kids and discuss.
I've heard they are in the process of making it into a movie! I hope they can do it justice because it is such a fabulous book.
"Wonder" is one of those books you can't put down. It's one of those books you think about all the time. It's one of those books you want everyone you know to read it. That's why I'm buying copies for all my family for Christmas.
If you've read this book, I'd love to hear your comments!
If you haven't read this book- GET IT AND READ IT!