A while back, a great teacher friend asked me to make an Olympic Math packet for her. I forgot that I hadn't put it in my shop. So here it is:
With the Olympics in full swing, this would be a fun way to review 2 digit math.
There is one sheet for each skill with 3 levels of difficulty on each sheet.
The skills are:
2 digit addition- counting on
2 digit subtraction-counting back
2 digit addition- partners of 10
2 digit subtraction- partners of 10
2 digit addition- doubles
2 digit subtraction- doubles reversed
2 digit addition- doubles +1
2 digit addition- make 10 with 7,8,9
2 digit addition-10+
My friend uses these in her 2nd grade class and the kiddos LOVE them!
The packet is now in my TpT shop!
Thanks Collette!