Sunday, February 9, 2014

Press Here

My kiddos absolutely LOVE this book by Herve Tullet.
Have you read it? It's an interactive book that has the reader pushing dots, shaking the book, and blowing just to name a few of the things you're asked to do. Magical things appear on the next page as you do as you're told. I think I need to order another one because they are wearing this one out!

My firsties LOVED it so much they wanted to write their own. I've got to say, I think they turned out pretty amazing. I couldn't take pictures of them all but here is one I'll share.
You've got to LOVE any book that gets kids reading and writing!

Happy Sunday everyone! Thanks for stopping by.


Tammy said...

I've never read this but I've seen people blog about it. Looks like a keeper!
❀ Tammy
Forever in First

Unknown said...

This is adorable! I've got to get that book now!

Barbara L said...

I love that, Sheree! I'm getting that book right now, too!