Sunday, November 3, 2013

Halloween Fun & Watercolor Pencils

Trying to put my 'game face' on to get through the day.

 Anyone involved with kids should know that Halloween definitely needs to be on a Friday. My little ones were CRAZY on Friday after a late night of spookiness and sugar! But we all survived and I'm looking forward to Monday and getting some serious teaching done.

Our art teacher introduced me to a cool thing called watercolor pencils.
If you click on the picture above it will link you to

Mine came in the mail on Saturday from Amazon so I had some of my grandkids try them out.
They thought they were pretty cool. You can use them several different ways. You can color a picture with the pencils just like regular colored pencils and then brush over it with water for a watercolor effect. Or you can use it as a wet pencil as we did for the face painting. The box also suggests wetting your paper first and then drawing on the wet paper with the pencils but this way didn't work for us as the wet paper would rip. The overall rating from the Livi, Anna, and Jarom was "AWESOME, COOL, and FANTASTIC!" Now we'll see how my firsties rate them.

I hope everyone had a great Halloween and you're ready for a wonderful week for teaching!

1 comment:

Barbara L said...

I feel the same way about Halloween:) Your game face looks very convincing though!
Thanks for sharing those pencils. I've wondered what they were like.