And Arlene sent me one of hers. We made each others packets, played it and then wrote a review. Pretty fun idea!
Arlene sent me her packet called- "Don't Get Skunked"
This is a cute game for your kiddos to practice reading CVC words. It covers the new common core 1.RFS.3.b. There are 8 different games in the packet which is super for the price of only $3.95!!! The games cover many of the common word families. The directions are very clear and precise and easy to follow.
All you have to do is print, laminate if desired, cut, and you're ready to play. Each game is colored coded with around 44-54 cards each if you choose to print the cards twice which gives the students more practice by repeating the words in the game. Kiddos take turns picking a card telling them how many word cards they have to read. They try to do it before they pick a 'skunk' card.
My favorite was the adorable skunk!
The winner gets to wear the "I DIDN'T GET SKUNKED" headband which was a big hit!
Here's a few pics of my grandkids playing.
Please check out this fun, engaging game that I'm sure your firsties will love by clicking HERE. Arlene has also made one for Kindergarten and 2nd grade. Thanks Arlene for letting me review your great game! I know my kiddos will LOVE playing it!
I sent Arlene my Long and Short A Fun packet.
You can head over to her blog to check out her review of my packet by clicking HERE.
You can also head over to Jessica's blog for ALL the links to ALL the amazing product swaps. Just click the picture below.
I have Arlene's Don't Get Skunked looks so cute.
Your A packet looks great too!
Thanks for sharing!!
First Grade and Fabulous
Love this!!
✏ Mrs. Stanford's Class ✏
❤ I hope you enjoyed the swap!! If you would like to join again the link to sign up is on my post :)
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