On to school things. My kiddos were so naughty today! I hope I can last 31 more days. It rained and we had an earthquake drill. So that didn't help. Our butterflies have all hatched so they are soooo excited about that. I had to raise my voice a few times today to get there attention because my mic batteries were all dead. Tomorrow my batteries will be charged, it's not suppose to rain, and we are setting the butterflies free. So hopefully we will have a better day!
We worked on 10 more 10 less today in math. It went really well. This is such a hard concept but we pulled out the 100's charts and really dug in. They really surprised me how well they caught on. In years past it seems like half of them just don't get it. We did a little activity after the lesson and I'm putting it in Math Stations for more practice. It's hardly any prep. We did it together at first so I gave them the numbers instead of picking a card. The cards are for the Math Station. Grab a copy if you think your firsties need the help. Just click on the picture.
Well, I hope your day was better than mine. And I hope tomorrow will be super for us all.
Thanks for stopping by.

I am sorry you didn't have a great day : (
Tomorrow will be much better
I just leaving a bit of love to let you know I love your blog and all of your freebies
Ms. Patterson
We've all had days like that when our kids are naughty! I'm sure tomorrow will be better. Thanks for the freebie!! Love your blog!
It's nice to know that even the best of teachers can have tough days with kiddos. It seems like anything out of the normal routine just throws everything off. Thanks for this fun game, I will definitely be using it this week! We have been studying the 100 chart in math.
We are working on this skill right now too! Thanks for sharing.
I have quite a class this year so I can totally relate. I've tried to do a lot more brain based activities to keep my kiddos going. The more they are doing the less trouble they get into.
Little Priorities
Totally love this and will be using it with my firsties. Thanks for sharing!!
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