I've been so busy that I haven't had much time to blog. Sorry. We got out of school on Wednesday and I've been going a 100 miles an hour trying to get everything done. But the parties are over, shopping done, presents all wrapped, baking and cooking finished (almost, what can be is finished) and choir practices over. Now it's time to sit back and enjoy the family and the season!
Here's a few pictures of our last week. I had a lot more but my camera was on the wrong setting so most of them are blurry. Dang! I hate when that happens.
Christmas party treat trees!
Grinch Day game.
Getting messy!
Christmas Party craft- pine cone ornaments
Singing "I Want a Hippopotamus For Christmas" at the Jingle Jam!
More treat trees.
My darling granddaughter with her Grinch.
More Grinch!
I totally ENJOYED the last day of school!! We had a blast. It's fun to relax and be silly sometimes.
Look at the COOL Christmas present our class got a week before Christmas!
YES! It's a Smart Board!
Our principal had money to buy 4 boards for our school. So any teacher that wanted one had to write a grant for it telling how they would use it with a sample lesson plan. Low and behold- I got one. I'm still in shock. So guess what I'm doing on my holiday break? Yup, trying to learn how to work it. If any one has any great ideas or websites- please send them my way! My principal told us to use a TENNIS BALL! I thought he was crazy but it really works well. We use it to write with and to drag. The kids think it's great!
I also posted a new packet on my shops. It's all about BLENDS.
You can check it out at
I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday break!