Sunday, November 25, 2012


I love popcorn! Seriously, is there anyone who doesn't. My favorite it the cheesy kind. We did a fun learning activity just before Thanksgiving with popcorn. We were learning the difference between facts and opinions. First thing I did was read the book- The Popcorn Book by Tomie de Paola. I LOVE this book!

It's a fiction and non-fiction book combined. The twin boys are making popcorn and want to know more about it. So one brother gets the encyclopedia and begins reading all about it. He tells lots of interesting facts.
Anyhow, back to my lesson. After reading the book we discuss what facts we learned about popcorn. Stressing that facts are things we can prove. We listed them on the graphic organizer.
Then I gave each child a bag of popcorn. In the bag were 3 different kinds of popcorn. I put some caramel, cheesy, and buttery popcorn. As they ate I explained that opinions are how we think or feel about things. Then I asked each student to tell his/her favorite kind of popcorn. We filled out and did a class graph with our opinions of our favorite popcorn.
On another day, we discussed again what facts and opinions are with this practice sheet.
Then I wanted to know if the concept was really sinking in. So the next day I had my firsties do a fact and opinion sort.
And finally, I put this writing paper in writer's workshop for those that wanted to write about Popcorn.
It was a big hit! I feel like my kiddos really know the difference between facts and opinions. If you'd like a copy of my lesson just click on the picture below.
I'd love to hear your comments if you download.

Well, it's back to school we go. The Thanksgiving break was great except I spent most of it in bed fighting a horrible cold. But I'm better and ready for the next 18 days. By far the hardest 18 days of the year!
Good luck and have a great week!

They have a great linky party going on and everything is FREE!


  1. I think this is wonderful! It may have to wait to be put to use until January. Have you read The Popcorn Dragon?

    Chickadee Jubilee

  2. Absolutely wonderful. I do a popcorn fest before Thanksgiving Break and this will be perfect! Thank you for sharing!

  3. I am a popcorn lover, too!! Thanks for sharing this with us. I can't wait to use it.
    Connie Anderson:)
