Thursday, October 18, 2012

Main Idea and Details Freebie & Management

This summer in one of my workshops, I heard this great idea for teaching main idea and details. So I came home and wrote it up and found pictures for it. I would love to give credit to whomever came up with this idea but I don't know who you are. But thanks for sharing it at our workshop. Let me know if this is yours.

There are 5 pages in all. You can download it by clicking HERE
The graphics are from KPM Doodles and Scrappin Doodles.

On another topic, I read a great post HERE over on Nikki Sabiston's blog about management. She has a GREAT blog. You'll want to check it out. 

She talks about her views on behavior charts and why she'll never use them again. I know a lot of teachers use them but please read her post and ponder what she says. Nikki has some very valid statements which I agree with whole heartily. I have used several methods of management in my classrooms. Some were by my own choosing and others by administration's. Some worked and many failed. I've read research and found what works for me and a behavior chart is NOT one of them. Like Nikki, my own children have helped me see what works best for kids. My kids advised me along the way and I'm very grateful for them.

In my classroom, I have more success with rewarding the positive with a little ticket called a 'caught ya'. I give them whenever I see good behavior or want to reward a child for great work. Then we have a drawing every Monday for prizes out of the prize basket. Then once a month the school picks a 'caught ya' winner from each class, announces the names over the PA and gives a prize. On the flip side, I give 'Stop & Thinks' for students who can't follow the rules. It's simply a time out for 5 minutes to think about what they did and how they can improve. This allows me as a teacher to work with students who have a harder time with behavior like my ADHD or autistic kids. If the behavior is severe then they are given a 'Stop & Go' where the child is taken to another classroom or the office, a note and phone call to the parent is given. In first grade the 'Stop & Go' lasts for 15 minutes where the child does the work he/she is missing in class. If a child gets 3 'Stop & Go' then a conference is held with parents, teacher, student, and administrator to form a plan to change behavior. I have never had to have a conference yet and hope I never do. This is a great way to help kids change their behavior and reward them for being great kids.

Sorry for such a long post. What do you do for management? I'd LOVE to hear.


  1. Thanks for the freebie!

    I stopped doing a behavior chart, too. This year I give out gold tickets for good behavior. The students collect them all week and then use them toward Fun Friday time. Whoever gets the most gold tickets gets to choose their clip from the fun Friday board first. Then we continue with the next one who has the most, etc. I found this idea on The Teeny Tiny Teacher's blog. So far it's been working well this year! They love getting the gold tickets, because they LOVE fun Friday time. :)

  2. I loved her post about charts too. And here I thought I was the only one who didn't believe in them. :)
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  3. Thanks for sharing the main idea info. I am currently teaching this and know it will be very useful!

    By the way, I just found your blog and I am your 400th follower. Woo-hoo!

    The REAL Teachers of Orange County

  4. Thanks so much for the mention:)
    I am so encouraged by the wonderful response to that post.

    I feel like I got a 'Caught Ya'!
    Teaching in Progress

  5. Thanks for your ideas on behavior management. I don't have a behavior chart, but I do send home a note each day letting the parents know how their child's day was.

    thanks for the freebie on main idea and details!

    Kelly @ I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher
