Monday, August 6, 2012

Good-Bye Summer Linking Party

I know most of us are back in the classroom working hard getting ready for our darling little people. Some of you have already started and others have a few more weeks of summer left. So I thought I'd have-a-go at my very first linking party. It's time, whether we want to or not to say GOOD-BYE to SUMMER 2012.
Here's the rules:
*Share 4 things about your summer!
1: a place you visited 
2: a book you read (either for fun or for school)
3: something you did or made for your school class
4: a fun thing you did

*Grab the picture above and share it on your blog.
*Write your post then come back here and link up.
Then like Farley and her Currently,
*PLEASE comment on the 2 links before you and the 1 after you.
If you don't have a blog, then please leave me a comment.
I think it will be fun to see what everyone did over the summer. 

Here's mine-
1: We went to Lake Powell in Utah and spent some relaxing time on a house boat.

2: I read-

 3: Something I made for school- This is my CAFE binder. I think the Sisters call is 'a pensieve' and I fancied up my note taking book.
4: Something I did for FUN-
I went repelling off a 50 foot cliff!!! 
It's fun thinking about it now but at the time I was TERRIFIED!!! See me hugging the cliff.
 I can't wait to read about every ones summer fun.


  1. Your first party! Woohoo! Fun idea.I'll probably link up in a few days. I only have access to my iPad right now.

  2. Fun party! A little bit of fun and a little collection of classroom ideas!

    Chickadee Jubilee

  3. Thanks for inviting me to the party! I had a great time!!
    Owl Things First
    Come join my giveaway!

  4. Just posted my Good-Bye Summer 2012 - great to think about all the fun things I did this summer!

  5. Looks like you had a great summer! Thanks for hosting the party. Super fun!

    Life's A Beach in First Grade

  6. I enjoyed reading about your summer! Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for hosting the party : )

    For the Love of First Grade

  7. Thanks for hosting this! What a fun idea! Looks like you had a great summer. I've never been to Lake Powell but always wanted to go. I'm a new follower, but I love your blog. It looks like you make some wonderful products! I can't wait to check them out later.
    Hearts Flowers and Kindergarten

  8. Thanks for hosting, it was super fun to think about everything I got to do this summer! You're so brave to have gone repelling down that cliff, it makes me nervous just looking at those pictures!
    Hop on over to my blog and link up with my linky party for Meet the Teacher night when you get the chance!
    Happy new (school) year!
    Teacher Wife
