Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Team Kenton

I love this blogging community and the friendships we share. Several months ago, I stumbled upon a great blog by Deb, Oh My Little Classity Class. If you haven't visited Deb's Blog, you'll want too. It's full of great teaching ideas. Come to find out Deb and I had met years before at Core Training where she was teaching one of the classes. Deb is one of my best blogging buddies and her family right now is going through a challenge of a lifetime! In June, her 12 year old son Kenton was diagnosed with AML leukemia. They have spent most of their summer at Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake City getting treatments. You can read all about it on their Facebook Page or Team Kenton Blog. Beware, it will pull at your heart strings!

With the intense Chemo treatments, Kenton's hair is falling out. Deb is worried about what people will think. So here's the plan how we can cheer up a little boy, comfort a weary mom, show love to a concerned sister, and encourage a worried dad.
It can be any kind of hat, a baseball cap, cowboy hat, silly hat, homemade hat, any thing that you think will make Kenton smile and know he is loved. You might want to throw something in for his sweet little sister McKayslin like some stickers or a coloring book. Deb says she didn't realize how this diagnosis has affected the whole family. A card or letter for the parents couldn't hurt either.
If you are interested in sending a hat to Kenton please fill out the HAT FOR KENTON form here. Jenny over on Luckeyfrog's Lilypad is putting this together. So hop on over and check it out.

Most of all please keep Kenton, Deb, Luke, and McKayslin in your thoughts and prayers!


  1. THANK YOU for sharing! Sending prayers and smiles to all of you! A child's resilence and fight to survive is amazing. They are SO DETERMINED to keep carving paths in their lives! BEST WISHES!
    On a side note, please consider following me; I am looking for more Blogger friends and followers :>)

  2. Thanks so much for helping to spread the word! :)

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

  3. Thanks for sharing this Sheree! :)
