Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Number Practice

At the first of the school year, we work really hard on numbers- recognizing, writing, counting, and exploring. Last year I found some SUPER activities from the blogging world that helped my kiddos with there numbers.  Ms. Arnold over on Oceans of Fun in First Grade has tons of FREE ideas. She is like the math wizard of first grade. You really should check out her blog. She has wonderful ideas! Last year I did her Total 5, Give Me 5, Spill and Record 5, and 10 Flashing Fireflies. I used them not just for 5 but the other numbers as well. I also found Diane & Kelly's blog Made For 1st Grade. They have a GREAT Shake the Beans activity for each number and it's FREE. I used this activity in my math stations. The kiddos loved it. I also found a great idea from Reagan on Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits last year with number bracelets. You can check out my post HERE. Reagan has awesome math ideas too. You'll want to check out her blog as well.
When I do my number work, I spend a week on each number doing different activities each day (except 1 & 2, I do them in the same week). I start off with a little number booklet. I didn't like the one I've been using so I just made a new one. And I got to say, I really LOVE, LOVE it! With CCCS and all I feel like I need to step it up. So here is what I came up with.
There are 2 pages for each number. There is practice writing the numeral and number word. They tally, count, decide if the number is even or odd and write the ordinal number. The kids get to create the number on the ten frame (with Do-a-Dot Paint, check that out HERE) and write some number sentences. Then they can trace the word and numeral. We do this with smelly markers. It's a favorite. Oh, and I found my favorite at Wal-Mart. Mr. Sketch! I have used these before and haven't been able to find them forever. They were only $7.95 for 12.
 Sometimes I let them use these marker too. They are the changeables. I haven't been able to find these in a while either. But there they were at good old Wal-Mart. You write with the colored tip then trace over it with the clear tip and it magically changes color. I use both of these for spelling and sight word practice.
Anyhow, back to the number practice. They draw, stamp and find the numbers. They keep the booklet so they can refer to it through out the year. I print it on cardstock so the paint and markers don't bleed through. You can get my Nifty Number Practice Book at my TpT or Teacher Notebook shop. Just click on the word for a direct link.

Hey, what do you all do to practice numbers at the beginning of the year. I'd love to hear. I just love new ideas!
OH, I just remembered. I'm teaming up with Beth Ann and some other fantastic bloggers for a BIG giveaway that starts tomorrow. Check out the preview at Taming my Flock of Firsties.
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I agree... Oceans of 1st Grade Fun is amazing for math! I used some of her stuff last year including Nine Little Ladybugs ( which was so fun!). Thanks for sharing the activities you used. I'm off to check them out! Can't wait for you giveaway!
    First Grade Found Me

  2. I love Mr. Sketch for anchor charts & other activities!! I love your number practice book. That would be great for the beginning of the year. Thanks for sharing!
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  3. Fabulous as always Sheree!! You are so amazing!! Thanks for everything!!

  4. Thank you for all the great ideas! I'm focusing on improving my math instruction this next school year and this really helps. I love your number practice book! It's already on my wish list!
    Sarah's First Grade Snippets

  5. Hey! Thanks so much for the shout out! Girl, you made my day!
    Oceans of First Grade Fun

  6. I LOVE the Mr.Sketch markers! You're a better teacher than me because I don't let the kids touch my Mr. Sketch!!

    I'm your newest follower! I hope you'll check out my "manly" kindergarten blog!

    Smedley's Smorgasboard of Kindergarten
