Monday, December 26, 2011

Top Three Linking Party

Wow! What a wonderful Christmas we had! So nice to be with the family, relaxing, eating, laughing, and loving life. I hope everyone had a great holiday too.

Fern is having a linking party over on her blog Fern Smith's Classroom Ideas. I really debated about this one because I'm a new blogger and when I saw Kristin's numbers over on Teeny Tiny Teacher, I thought no way, my numbers are so small compared to hers in the thousands! But Holly on Crisscross Applesauce gave me courage. If she can do it so can I. Thanks Holly! The linking party is called Top Three. You check your blog stats and tell what your top three posts have been this year.
Here are mine:

1st: Grinch Day- 1,609

So if you haven't checked these out, click on the red words and do so! Also, click on my blogging friends above and check theirs out as well. Then, head over to Fern's blog and join the party!


  1. You should have seen some of the numbers I saw!!! So I know how you feel. Can't wait to check out your top three posts - they look so cute!!!!!!
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  2. I love your blog! It makes me want to teach the littler kids. I do love my 6th graders though!

    Adventures of a 6th Grade Teacher

  3. Thank you for linking up at my linky party and giving me such a shout out to other blog readers! I love you blog!
    Happy New Year!
    Fern Smith’s Classroom Ideas!

  4. Youve got more views than I do! I'm the one who's chicken now:) I'll try and screw up my courage for tomorrow -- ha ha.

    Grade ONEderful

  5. Look at you - you brave girl!!!! :) HA! Your numbers are better than mine...but we have each other, right?!?!

    Love your stuff...and I plan on going back in time and checking out some of your "old" stuff. That oughta beef up your numbers!

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  6. I can't wait to check out those posts! They look awesome!

  7. Just found your blog! (Hope you love those penguins of mine!!)
    Now I am off to go check out your Top Three posts! =)
    First Grade Blue SKies

  8. I love the Christmas mats! Our math series is heavy on creating math stories. These will be perfect next year. If you create more, I'd love for you to share them too!
