Thursday, December 8, 2011

Adding -ing freebie

Hey all! I don't know about your class but my firsties are really getting hyper. Tuesday they were terrible! I had some of my perfect little angels even bouncing off the walls. Rudolph didn't get to move at all. (Check out Rudolph's Nose Behavior Activity HERE). So on Wednesday I challenged them. If they could work quietly for 7 minutes without me saying "Shhhhh!" 3 times, Rudolph would take a huge leap! I even set the timer. They were soooo good. After lunch we did it again for 8 minutes. (I really set the timer for 10 minutes this time. I needed the extra 2 minutes of quiet time) They did it again and Rudolph took his biggest leap ever. Just before they went home, we did it one more time. And Rudolph made it to his nose! They got the prize- candy canes and extra recess.
Well today, bribery, praise, stop and thinks, the lump of coal thing, threats that Santa was watching, Elf on the shelf was going to report them-nothing worked. Rudolph didn't move an inch. I hate to see what the next 6 days will be like. I hope I make it to Christmas break without going crazy!
Here's a little something I made to help me teach adding the -ing ending. I got my inspiration from Mrs. Pollard over on her blog Tales of a Teacheristatales. She did a darling freebie idea for silent e with the e on a stick. My kiddos loved it and it really helped them learn the concept. So I made the same type of thing for adding -ing to words. I put my kids in groups of 5 so I only have to make 5 sets but I make a -ing stick for everyone. Then they shared the cards as they worked through the activity. You could just make one set and put it in a center if that works better for you. The picture only shows the cards but there is a recording sheet as well.
I hope this is something you can use. If you download, how about leaving a comment. I love to know if any of my stuff is helpful.
I hope your kiddos are not go crazy. Good luck!


  1. You always have quality stuff--thanks so much Sheree!

  2. I just discovered your blog today and have found some great stuff! I teach first grade too and am ready to take on my class for two more crazy days! Thank you for sharing your great ideas!

  3. I just found this today! I love how colorful and readable these are. Thank you SO much!
