Sunday, November 6, 2011

Turkey Game

Boy, is my internal clock messed up with this Daylight Savings Time. Why do we have Daylight Savings time anyway? It just messes with our minds. One good thing though, I won't be going to school in the dark tomorrow (I think). I hope I can get back on schedule soon.

Here's a fun little game we are doing this week in wordwork to practice the -in and  -ine word families. Grab a copy by clicking on the picture.
Also, I am doing this Spelling game in my Daily 5 wordwork. The kiddos use a 10 sided die. Assign each word a number. They take turns rolling the die. Their partner tells them which word to spell for the number they rolled. They get a point if they can spell it right. First player to get 10 points WINS! I printed a few of the cards on cardstock and we are ready to go!

 I hope you have a great week!


  1. I love the Roll & Spell!!! Getting my words ready for tomorrow. Thank You!

    First Grade Delight

  2. Love it Sheree!!! My kiddos will love it!!!
