Thursday, June 14, 2012

Something Good!

Our state has a program called Prevention Dimensions which teaches kids safe and drug-free communties. It's a free resource for teachers in our state and has some terrific lessons.

One of my favorites is the music CDs. A musician named Steve James wrote some awesome songs for the program. My firsties absolutely LOVE singing them. They are songs that encourage self-esteem, service, good citizenship, and healthy choices.  Mr. James came to our school a year ago and put on an assembly that was SUPER! He is soooo talented. I thought you could only get them through the Prevention Dimensions program but I was wrong. Steve James has a website called-

If you go to the site you can listen to samples of the songs and even buy them.
My kiddos favorites are:
I'll Be Nice
Something Good
Thinking Positive
I Like Being Me
The Friendship Song
I print the words to each song and my kids have them in their poem/songbooks to follow along every time we sing them or when they read songbooks on their own. I've had several parents ask me where they can get a copy of the music so the kids can sing them at home. Now I can tell them where to find it. You might want to check it out too.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer or soon to be wonderful summer. 
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I just went to their website and listened to their sample songs & they are really good. I really liked the Friendship Song. Thanks for sharing this awesome site.

  2. Can't wait to check this out!!! Thanks for sharing!!

  3. Their website is no longer working. Any idea where else we can find these songs? Thank you! You can respond to me via email at rguerreiro[at]genesisshelter[dot]org
