Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Teachers Notebook Shop

Well, I finally took the plunge and started my Teachers Notebook Shop! I only have 3 items for sale but more are in the works. I've had a blast getting things up and going and I've learned so much! Thank goodness I have smart kids that can help me figure everything out.
Here is a preview of my 3 packets.

I hope you'll check them out HERE on Teachers Notebook!


    1. Your Contraction Monster Unit looks
      monstrously CUTE!

      Yearn to Learn Blog

    2. I'll be checking out those math centers. They look great!


    3. Love!!! I am having so many problems with "following" people. I can't follow using the "follow button" up on the top left {not just your blog, every blog}. Then when I go to "google friend connect" or whatever that is, it lets me follow, but I don't even know how to use that. Anyway, I have followed your blog before and then just tonight I looked in my google reader and it's not there. I tried following again and just cannot figure it out for the life of me. I sent Blogger an email but haven't heard back. Anyhoo...I love your stuff, absolutely love it and wanted you to know how badly I'm trying to follow!!!!!! {I did figure out how to add you to my blog roll though - so you're there!}

      Thanks for commenting on my giveaway! :)

      Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

    4. Such a cute blog! Just found you as you were listed on another blog! :) Can't wait to start exploring!
      A Pirates Life for Us

    5. Wahoo for me! I am so happy because I just found your blog! I am your newest follower and am in love with you (not in a weird, creepy way!). I am so excited to go explore! Your Firsties are so lucky to have you as their teacher! =)

      I would love for you to visit me too!

