Thursday, October 27, 2011

Math Stations

Yeah! My math stations are up and running! The kiddos absolutely LOVE them and so do I. It took some time to get everything ready and to train the firsties (still doing that one) but it was well worth the work. I love what I see and hear the kids doing. Right now we are only doing one round and I haven't started working with groups yet. I look forward to being able to do that. Here are some pictures.
 Here are my boxes. I have 30 students so I have 15 stations. I got my boxes from Wal-Mart. I bought 2 sizes because some of the activities didn't fit in the small ones.
Here are my charts. I found a cute clipart from Scrappin' Doodles and the numbers from Lettering Delights!
 I put my "Aarrgh We Equal" (from a previous post) activity in the stations so the kiddos could try out the number sentences on the number balance. It was cool to see them explore other problems as well.
 This activity is from Debbie Diller's book (Math Work Stations, also from a previous post) called 'Grab and Graph'. I made my own recording sheets to go with it.
 I've had these 100's boards from Learning Resources but I only had 2 of them and couldn't figure out how to let everyone have a turn with them. They love playing 'SWIPER' when they finish putting the chart together. One person is 'SWIPER' and covers 5 numbers while the other person isn't looking. Then has to guess what the numbers are.
 I wanted a counting activity so I made this one called 'Grab and Count'. They grab a handful of items from a bag and count them, then record it on a sheet I made. They do it several times. Another activity is called 'Grab, Count and Add' where they grab two handfuls, count the items and add them together. They also record on a recording sheet.
 This is 'School House Order' an activity I got off of Cara's blog on The First Grade Parade .
 This one is the most LOVED! I took it from Debbie Diller's book and used dot cards. They play teacher and student and match the numbers to the dot cards. Then they can make their own with the bingo markers to take home. Can I tell you how much I LOVE the bingo markers!!! Where have I been? How come I didn't know about these before now? I had a hard time finding them. Ended up getting them at Actually, they are called 'Do-A-Dot Rainbow Art Set. Click on the picture for a link to Amazon.

If you see anything you like and want a copy just shoot me an email and I can send it to you or add to a future post. Did I already say WE LOVE MATH STATIONS? Because if I didn't let me tell you- WE LOVE MATH STATIONS! Thanks blogging world for introducing me to this great math management/enrichment tool!
P.S. Thanks Fredia for collaborating with me!

* I have had several readers ask about the dot cards and where I got them. I did not make them. But here are some links to websites where you can find some for FREE!
Math Coach's Corner


  1. Hello Sheree!

    I'm looking through all of your posts again and LOVE it even more. Can you share your dot card templates for the dot card matching game with me?

    Thanks again and again,

  2. Hi Sheree I would also love a set of the dot cards please! LOVE all your great stuff!

  3. First year in first grade and I plan on using math stations:rotations. I wish I could come visit your classroom!! I would take anything you are willing to share!!

  4. I love the numbers you use for your math stations in this post. I didn't see them at your TpT you have them?? Thanks. I run my stations similar to yours and would just like some new numbers :)

  5. I love the grab and count---I have it from our Investigations series, but your version is cuter! I'd also love a copy of your dot cards. Thanks so much---I'm just trying to get organized enough to do math centers.


  6. Can I get a copy of your math station expectations?

    Thanks so much!

  7. Hello! I love these ideas - I would love a copy of your dot cards and recording sheets for the grab & count! Thanks!!

  8. Thanks for all the ideas! Do you have copies of your recording sheets available somewhere?

  9. Hi there. Is there a way I could get the Math workshop expectations? Thank you. Love your blog.
